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Top 5 Relationship goals

We have had the privilege to work with some amazing people over the years. Every relationship is different but there are some common relationship goals that we all strive for in marriage...

Laugh together

A couple who laugh together, stays together. Even in tough times, there are always things to focus on to stay positive. If you try and do something to make your partner smile or laugh each day, what a wonderful relationship you'll have, and a happy home.

Never go to bed on an argument

No relationship is without disagreement but it's how we overcome them that is real 'relationship goals'. Some people need a bit of time to cool off or reflect before they are able to move on from an argument, but always try and be friends again before bed. Start the new day on good terms. By communicating well after a disagreement you can both put it behind you and get back to laughing together!

Have 'me' time and 'us' time

It is a good start in any relationship to enjoy spending time together and it's important to make time for each other. Do things you both enjoy as well as taking an interest in your partners hobbies. Then, make sure you do things individually. It is vital to have some 'me' time where you have experiences away from your partner - you don't have to like all the same things as them after all. It also gives you something to talk about when you're together again.

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Understand each other's love language

This is a HUGE one! If you don't know what the 5 love languages are take this quiz and check them out. By understanding your own love language along with your partners, it makes it so much easier to make them happy and let them know you love them. You might like him to buy you a thoughtful gift to show he loves you, but if you recpricate, it might not mean a whole lot to him - he might rather you used words of affection.

Be their cheerleader

Do you ever see older people who have been together forever but always seem to be happy together. A big part of that is about speaking positively about your partner, both when they are present and when they're not. Of course, there are times to speak of your grievances but choose those times carefully. I would bet those couples you aspire to be like - you haven't heard them belittle their partner once.

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Written by Eleth Mageehan, (c) 2021, all rights reserved.

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